The OTHER thing you wanted to know about the Voter Registration application form

Last time, we talked about downloading the voter registration application form, and we walked through the trickier aspects of the whole process – including how to make sure that you had the form that you actually needed. But we covered only one side of CEF-1, which means that now, we’re going to talk about the OTHER side.

THIS side:

But let’s do it section by section, yeah?

Part 1

  1. Do not fill in the blanks for Application No., and Precinct No. That will be filled in by the Election Officer.
  2. Fill in the blanks with the correct information, and using one block per letter.
  3. If you have a Junior, or a Senior, or a III or whatever after your name, write the “Jr” AFTER the First Name, not the Last Name. So, if your name were “Pangalan Sinanay Apleyido Jr.” you fill up the form like this: “Apelyido” “Pangalan Jr.” “Sinanay”
  4. It’s not required, but I recommend using only BLOCK letters in filling up this form.
  5. On the upper right section, there are boxes indicating if the registrant is an illiterate etc. Don’t forget to download ANNEX B if you fill this up.
  6. Note also that if you don’t have a middle name, simply leave this space blank.
  7. Make sure you fill out the Civil Status box correctly, not for anything else but to avoid future problems that you might have to correct with an application for Correction of Entries.
    1. If you and your partner are just living-in (co-habiting if you wanna be all legalese about it), DO NOT check Married
    2. If you’re separated but your marriage has not been annulled, DO NOT check Single
  8. If you don’t have a Tax Identification Number (TIN), that’s alright.

Part 2 & 3

Short Description: the greened out areas are the items you have to fill out; the red areas, you have to leave alone.

The longer explanation:

  1. Check the appropriate box. REGISTRATION if you are a new registrant, and TRANSFER if you’re just, well, transferring.
  2. If you checked REGISTRATION, then the second box you tick should be the one that says you are “not registered in any precinct.”
  3. If you checked TRANSFER, then the next box you should check is the one that says “registered in another….” etc.
  4. The next green box has three blank spaces for your specimen signatures. Sign three times.
  5. The red boxes next:
  6. Do not put your thumbprints on the form, even if you happen to have a fingerprinting ink pad at home. Do that in the COMELEC office
  7. Leave the date blank – fill that in at the COMELEC office and on the day you actually go there
  8. Do not sign your name
  9. Do not put your name on the line reserved for the Election Officer; and
  10. Leave the whole of Part 3 alone.

Part 4

This should be easy. Do not write anything on Part 4. Don’t write anything on the Acknowledgment Receipt either – unless the Election Officer tells you to write your name, in which case, you fill in the blocks, the same way you did in Part 1.

Got all that? Good.

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