
On the one hand, there is something to be said for people getting paid commensurate to the service they render. On the other, it cannot be denied that volunteers have saved more days than any professional ever could. It’s the volunteers who come when everybody else is out on vacation; the ones who give up their family time to work on things that will never benefit them directly; the ones who stay to get the job done.

At the start of this year, these three volunteers did all of that for the country, and – save for a few voters – I doubt anyone will ever know.








These three voiced the names of candidates so that the vote counting machines to be used in this year’s elections could have the ability to read back the ballot to visually impaired voters, allowing them to double-check that their ballots had been filled up correctly and according to their wishes. They must have read thousands of names between them, from various regions of the country, during the 8 hours they were on deck.

Witnessing that sort of dedication makes you feel better about the chances of the country.

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