Street Buko

A street buko vendor, preparing coconuts for sale – I got these, three for a hundred, bargained down from an initial ask of 35 pesos per coconut. I thought it was interesting to watch, so I took video.

Update, 1 August:

I just got an email from YouTube, telling me that the thumbnail for the StreetCoconut video had been flagged and removed for violating Community Guidelines. This was, in fact, the same thumbnail used as cover art for this very post. The art shows a rendered image zoomed in on a man chopping away at a coconut. But because the image was altered to make it consistent with the overall theme of the other art on this blog, I admit it may have looked less innocent than it actually was. The big black blade right in the middle of the frame can, I concede, be very triggering. And I immediately thought that might be what the problem was. A visit to the YouTube Help Center confirms my initial thoughts. Apparently, ‘custom thumbnails’ are considered a common (I guess) source of ‘sensitive content;’ and it’s likely that someone *cough-cough-Karen-cough* thought the big black thing in the middle of the thumbnail evoked violence.
I could appeal the decision, I guess, but what for? An artsy-fartsy rendering of a street vendor hacking away at a coconut isn’t the hill I want to die on. It’s really just funny. Thank goodness this isn’t considered a strike yet, for purposes of YouTube’s 3-strike policy.

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