So long, Champ. Hello Imposter.

The 2nd day of the new year is turning out to be quite a doozy for fast food news. First, Coconuts Manila is reporting the phase out of Jollibee’s Champ Burger and the Big Burger Steak. TBH, I dunno what to make of this news. If it turns out to be a big joke (and it very well might – don’t say you were never warned), I wouldn’t be surprised – and I would definitely be relieved. In the meantime, KFC UK has introduced a vegan burger, made from a Quorn filet coated in the Colonel’s 11 Herbs and Spices, and slathered with vegan mayo. Holly Brockwell, writing for Gizmodo reports: that the Vegan burger is coming hot on the heels of the Imposter Quorn Burger KFC released last June. ” The Imposter Burger went down ridiculously well when it was trialed in three areas earlier this year, with demand 500 per cent higher than anyone was expecting,” Brockwell wrote. “It sold out in under a week, with one store in London apparently selling a burger a minute in the first few days.” Well, ok. I mean, KFC introducing a vegan burger may be a little surprising, but it isn’t anywhere near as far-out a business decision as phasing out the Champ (if that news turns out to be serious). In fact, the vegan burger does seem like a smart move considering how many people are giving alternative food lifestyles a chance. But phasing out the Champ and the Burger Steak? So the Champ is kind of a lame version of the Big Mac and the Whopper, but the Burger Steak man – there have been countless times a Burger Steak was all I could afford that still had a chance of being even close to filling. With the economy the way it is, I can’t imagine that such a cost-efficient option would be a drag on profitability. I wonder if some decision maker up there in Jollibee corporate was born in the year of the Rat. ‘Coz if so, well then, kudos for that gutsy thug life move, but then they should remember that in January 2020, Chinese zodiac fortune readers will warn them not to be too rash in making big decisions.

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