Honey, they served dessert, but it was crap.

This quarantine has meant that I’ve spent more time in various online chatrooms than I’ve ever wanted to – or even had to – before. Now in some ways, that’s been a good thing (see Sidebar). But in other ways, it’s been … ugh.

Witness this news I got from one of the chatrooms I’m part of:


I mean, seriously. I get how some people would find that funny – I mean, why else would it be shared in a chat group that, up to this point, had been a collection point for dad jokes – but, ew. Just ew.

I have no idea why poop themed cuisine would ever take off – who the hell would like to dig out poop colored desert from a literal toilet? – but here we are. There’s got to be some sort of dysfunction that would allow you to get past the visceral reaction to even just the sight of that sort of sh*t.

The only upshot of this is that if some food critic ever wrote: “this restaurant serves crap,” the restaurant owners can honestly go, “Yup, we do.”

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