Hello World!

Welcome to this Library of Misremembered Stories. This is an idea that’s been knocking around in my head for quite a while now – or when I first read about Lucien’s Library of Unfinished Stories, to be more precise. A creation of Neil Gaiman, the idea that all the unfinished stories we dream up are somehow preserved in the dreaming – rather prescient of the internet actually – got me to thinking at the time that yeah, I have a lot of those, but that I had more stories that I remembered and retold, but often (when I checked) found out that I got wrong in some detail – whether big or small. Like saying that Cupid pricked Psyche with his arrow when everyone knows he pricked himself. I eventually circled back around to this idea because of these infernal serial quarantines. Working from home has virtually erased the distinction between work AND home. Before the virus, once you clocked out of work, that was it. And weekends were yours. Not anymore, working from home. Worse, the ease of teleconferencing has turned people into tele-meeting junkies! We meet online now more often than we ever did before. And, with the general outlook of everything being so bleak, I simply needed a place where I could write for fun. Mental health demands it. And so here we are with this Library of Misremembered Stories, where I’ll do my best to tell you my favorite stories — as I remembered them. So no warranties are being made as to the accuracy of these stories. However, this isn’t to say that this blog will all be covers of existing stories. I will also be including some original flights of fancy — true unfinished stories. Please, do stay awhile. PS. Here’s how one fan responded to the chord that Lucien’s Library struck in him: he put together a list of books that might have been included in that library! (click HERE)

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