
On my way to Manila this morning, I met GMA’s convoy as it headed towards Balintawak – on her way to Pampanga. It was a long convoy and it had all the attendant big black cars, a scattering of “6” license plates, and flashing red and blue lights. I would’ve taken a picture but, the truth was, I was rather underwhelmed by the whole thing.

Those I’d told about that brief moment had a common response: didja flip her the bird?

What for?

In the past six years, anger has become such a virtue, hasn’t it? And we’ve thought up many ways to fuel that anger, to stoke it until it consumes everything, including reason. In the meantime, we’ve elected a new president. Yay. So, all those doom and gloom predictions were wrong after all, weren’t they? And yep, we’ve transitioned from one president to another quietly – which is something most of us wanted and, truth be told, expected.

And besides, after the hell we went through defending automation, all this seems somehow anticlimactic.

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