
When I saw these shirts on my way to work this morning, I should have known the Universe was trying to tell me something. If I had, I probably would have wondered what the message was exactly.
A reminder of sacrifice? Why not? I’ve been asking a lot of people to give up their own time, just so we could do our bit in preparing for the elections. So maybe the Universe was telling me to ease up.
A reminder of how tough the road ahead is gonna be? Likely! And if that was it, then that would have been some really cool multi-layer communicating there. After all, as tough as the progress of the Nazarene is, it’s also an excellent reminder of what devotion to a cause can achieve.
Some people might say it could have been a reminder of how people can be so … but wait. I’m not that cynical.
Oh well.
As it turned out, it wasn’t any of those things.
“Alright, so, we’ll do the consultation on the 9th and -“
“Nazareno yun.”
“Walang pasok.”
“Great! So we can expect submission by Saturday?”
“Nazareno yun. Walang pasok.”
Yeah, yeah. I know we can’t hold a meeting on Saturday.”
“Pwede naman.”
“Ha? Really? But it’s -” *hope skyrockets*
“Ay onga. Di pwede.”

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