The backlash against YCP is stupid

To whom it may concern:

After being optimistic that the high levels of participation in the 2016 elections might translate to a greater desire for unity after the polls, and after that ridiculous stunt that failed miserably to deliver on the promise of unity, I’ve accepted that our body politic is deeply fractured and that there is unlikely to be any healing of that division any time soon.

For now, it looks like we have to resign ourselves to a living in a society with two centers of gravity: the Duterte Diehard Supporters on the one hand, and those who identify themselves as Yellow. There are other groups, of course – the still-undecideds, the indifferent, the determinedly neutral, and so on. But for the most part, these other groups are nowhere near as organized as the other two, and so we rarely get to hear the narrative from their point of view. Instead, we are daily treated to the glorious spectacle of political discourse being reduced to juvenile sniping. It’s not a pretty sight. To be honest, I don’t think you guys are interested in fixing it at all, and this latest flap about pizzeria employees just hits a new low.

I mean, really? You’re gonna boycott a pizza parlor because some of its employees are of a particular political persuasion?

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