24 Hours


I have nothing against 24-hour delivery. Lord knows I get hungry at all the weirdest times and an emergency burger is welcome from time to time. But as to this article – I have questions, sirs:

  1. I understand the need to authorize food deliveries beyond the curfew hours. Lots of people start to get hungry well after the 8PM cut off, but 24 hours?
  2. In the article, what does “it shall cater only to those authorized persons outside of residence?” mean? Hindi ka pwede magpadeliver kung hindi ka APOR? I imagine you might have meant that delivery riders have to be APORs, but that’s not what you wrote.
  3. Also in your article, “allowed to operate” on a 24-hour basis isn’t the same as ‘required to operate on a 24-hour basis,’ is it? Since it (probably) isn’t required for food places to run 24-hour service, it seems the lede may have oversold the idea a bit.


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