2016 International Debate Symposium

The venue for the International Debate Symposium sponsored by the CPD and NDI, the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) was also the site for the 3rd Presidential Debate.


Due to the tight security at UNLV, delegates were constantly reminded to always have their credentials with them while on campus.

Long may she wave…


GPOY, naturally.


Seeing the debate venue for the first time, while work crews got things ready.

With a Filipino UNLV student leader, and Raissa Tatad of NDI. Yeah, she’s from THAT Tatad family.

One of the massive banners framing the debate stage. Me, for scale.

Introducing #PiliPinas2016 to delegates from 28 countries.

Linking Balagtasan to the rapper, Abra. Too bad debate rules don’t require rhyming.

After the presentation, a panel discussion.

The golden ticket. Attendance at the debate was for a truly limited audience.

The golden ticket. Attendance at the debate was for a truly limited audience.

Debate day!

Even high up in the bleachers, there was no mistaking the palpable air of expectation.

And there they are.

After the debate, spin alley – one of the things we might consider for #PiliPinasDebates2019!

Basking in the glow of Elaine Quijano, the first Asian-American to moderate a national debate. She kept the VP candidates focused.

Swaggity-swag from the gracious host, UNLV.

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